Homestay Conditions



Welcome to Homestay.

We hope that you enjoy your stay and achieve success in your studies. Your Host is a valuable source of information. They are there to help you while you are studying overseas.



Living with a Host Family is a rewarding experience for you. Your Host has chosen to be a Homestay because they have an understanding of different cultures. For all concerned the experience should be a rewarding one. Most problems occur due to a breakdown in communication so it is important that you do your best to understand your Host and for your Host to understand you. The Host aims to provide you with a caring, comfortable and healthy environment that supports your studies. It may be difficult to understand and speak to your Host but in a short time your English will improve and you will be able to communicate with them. The more often you speak to your Host the more quickly you learn. A Homestay is only allowed to accept a maximum of 3 male or female students at any one time.



Hosts are required to have Public Liability Insurance and Contents Insurance Cover for their home and are required to advise their Insurer that they have an International student residing in their home. Homestay Australia PL does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any damages or loss of income incurred by the Homestay Host or the Student residing in a Homestay.



Upon arrival, you will be given directions to your school via public transport. Your Host will ensure that you understand which is the best way to travel to your school.

Ask your Host for a copy of a timetable for your transport. Check that you can understand how to read the information. Check that at all times you are carrying some form of identification that will state who you are, where you are staying and your Host's telephone number. Therefore in case you are lost you can show a passer-by this information and your Host can be contacted.



Homestay bookings vary. Usually the periods are Four weeks or Five weeks.

Homestay Australia will email you your next Invoice, two weeks after your arrival.

If you wish to extend your stay in Homestay, pay the Invoice. It will be for the same period you originally applied for.

If you do not wish to extend your stay in Homestay tell your Host as soon as you can. 

If you extend your stay in Homestay, you need to give two weeks when you decide to leave.

Homestay Australia does not require you to sign a Contract nor pay a Bond for your accommodation.

All questions of payment should be referred to



If you plan to travel around Australia or go back to your country for more than 7 Days while you are in Homestay and you wish to keep your room, a fee of $220.00 per week is required to be paid. This payment is to be made to Homestay Australia. Homestay Australia will then pay your Host.



When you receive your Invoice, the payment instructions are at the bottom of the Invoice.

If you are not sure how to pay your Invoice, take a copy of the invoice to your Bank and they will explain how you can pay the invoice either at the Bank or Online.



Two weeks’ notice at all times. You are required to give your Host 2 weeks’ notice prior to leaving the home after the initial payment period.

If you are under 18 years of age, you are required to reside in accommodation approved by your school. You need your school's permission to change Homestay.



If you have a question regarding your Homestay accommodation, call 039 395 7046 or 0400 468 658 or please email

Our staff are available 24/7 for any questions that you may have. All contact is confidential.



A Host will provide you with a single room (unless agreed prior to arrival for a twin shared room); furnished with wardrobe hanging space, a chest of drawers, a desk and a single or double bed. You will be given access to laundry facilities in the home. The Homestay fee also covers all costs for electricity, gas and water.



(3) meals per day, – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Breakfast - Self Service (help yourself) : (For Example) A choice of cereal, toast, condiments, milk OR noodles. Foods are to be provided by the Homestay and student is to help themselves.

Lunch - Self Service (help yourself) : (For Example) Can be a choice of Sandwiches OR a Container of Food to be heated plus piece of fruit and a drink. Foods are to be provided by the Homestay and student is to help themselves.

Dinner - A cooked meal. (To be provided by the Host) The Homestay can provide different styles of food i.e., Western and Asian.



All students are expected to iron their own clothes and do their own washing. If you are not sure how to do this ask your Host. If you have specific clothing requirements, i.e.: school uniforms etc. then you should keep your uniform in a clean and tidy condition. If you are under 18 years your Host does your washing for you as well as your ironing. If you are over 18 years, it is all your own responsibility.



You are expected to supply your own toothpaste and shampoo. But your Host Family will supply items such as toilet paper and soap.



If you are over 18 years, you are expected to clean your own room and to keep it tidy. If you are Under 18 years, your host will vacuum your room but it is your responsibility to keep it tidy. When you use such areas as the kitchen and bathroom, leave them as you find them.



All Homestay homes are non smoking.



Students must have their own mobile phone.



All hosts are required to provide internet access. The Cost is $40.00 per month. This is an additional charge to the Homestay weekly charge. The internet connection is what is provided, not a computer. Each student must have their own laptop.

The Internet use is for Email correspondence with family, friends and study purposes only. Downloading of Music and Movies, playing Internet Games or Chat rooms are considered excessive use of the internet and are not allowed when using the internet connection provided by the host.

If you decide to create your own connection then you are free to do so at your expense. We suggest a Prepaid card from Telstra for wireless internet access.



Hosts are expected to provide adequate heating and cooling in your bedroom. ADDITIONAL CHARGES ($2.00 per day) can apply to for use of additional heaters or fans.



Rooms for students do not need to be lockable. Living in a Homestay is a matter of Trust.



Please ensure that your showers are no longer than 15 minutes.



Do not use power boards greater than 2 sockets (10 amp per outlet)

Do not leave your desk lamp on all night.

Do not use a fan heater in your bedrooms. Use an oil heater which must not be covered and used to dry clothes.

Turn off your monitor from the wall switch at the end of the day. When the monitor is switched off from the monitor itself, this does not turn off the monitor. It simply shuts down the screen. The monitor is still running otherwise. A fire can start due to a monitor overheating.

If you are cooking during weekends, never leave the kitchen while you are doing so.



No liability will be accepted for any injury to any person. No liability will be accepted for any damage, loss, theft or disappearance of any property belonging to anyone. No liability will be accepted for any illegal or criminal activity by any persons. Responsibility must be taken by all parties for their own safety and the safety of their belongings. Total responsibility rests upon all parties to have appropriate Insurance for all aspects.



Student’s responsibilities in Homestay

· Ensure the Host is aware of your health and well being

· Ensure that you are contactable 24/7 by either your school, your Host and your Parents.

        (If you wish to stay at a friend's home overnight - seek permission from your parents first. If your parents cannot speak English, your school needs to provide a translation for them.

        Without their permission you  are not allowed to stay at a friend’s home. If you have received their permission, provide your Host with a copy of the proof or ask them to contact your school coordinator.

        Ensure your Host also knows where you are and how you can be contacted in case of an emergency.)

· To be responsible for your own personal hygiene

· To be responsible for your own study pattern

· To respect the personal space of other members of their home

· To respect the privacy of other members of the home

· To ensure that you become a part of family life and participate in the day to day activities of the family. Example : By not mainly staying in your bedroom when you are home and including yourself in daily family chores. Example : Empty the dishwasher; clearing up after meals; by leaving the bathroom as you have found it; by minimizing time in the bathroom as a consideration for other family members; by leaving the kitchen as they have found it; by being home at the designated meal time.


Host responsibilities

In the Homestay, the host is expected to provide the following service :

Three meals per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, seven days per week; a single room; furnished and laundry facilities in the Homestay.

The Homestay fee also covers charges for electricity, gas, water and Internet access but not telephone calls.


Day to day care of by :


·    Providing healthy meals

·    Doing your washing and ironing

·    Ensuring that you have acceptable hygiene habits

   · Ensuring that you are coping with living in a foreign country.

·    Ensuring that you are completing your homework on time.

   · Ensuring that you are attending school on a required basis and has a clear understanding of the local transport systems.


Your Host must also provide you with guidelines regarding :


· Acceptable times to be at home after school and at weekends

· Amount of time on the internet for leisure purposes

· Manners

· Arrangements for your telephone connection.

· Smoking (if applicable)

· Consumption of alcohol

· Drug use



Here are some simple rules for staying with a Homestay family whether you are Under or Over 18 years of age.

Good manners are the same as anywhere. Women and men are equal. Very few homes have servants.

Knock on the door before you enter the bathroom, toilet and bedrooms. Do not enter the bedrooms of other members of the Host Family nor other student‘s rooms. Always treat your Host family the way you would like to be treated.

Do not spend too long in the shower. When finished in the bathroom or another room always clean up after yourself.

If you are ever cold in your Homestay at night tell your Host. They will provide you with more blankets.

If you are going to be home late or late for dinner tell your host.

Tell your Host if you wish to bring a friend home and introduce them to your Host. If they wish to join you for a meal then ask your Host

Always ask your Host if you wish a friend to stay at your place and always tell your host if you are staying at a friend's home overnight. Tell your Host where you are and how you can be contacted in case of an emergency.


Enjoy your stay and every success with your studies.


Homestay Australia